It was in its cute little camera cozy, tucked in the folds of my unfinished Central Park Hoodie.
I felt like such an idiot. But in brighter news, I finished that long time UFO, and my sister in now in possession of her very own Central Park Hoodie. Because of course the sleeves were too tight for me. And that was the moment I regretted using acrylic, lol. I do now have 12 balls of a very pretty blue wool I got at WEBS for my own though. When I recover I'll try again. :)
Lots and lots of FO's... no pictures. I swear, I'll do that soon, because nobody wants to look at a boring blog with no pictures. I have pictures on the camera of all my loot from WEBS (oh man, I went crazy... and actually I resisted buying quite a few things....) but I don't have time to post all that right now.
I do have pictures of one FO....
Pattern: a version of sorts of the Buttony Sweater.
Yarn: Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece (double stranded) in Turquoise and Brown.
Mods: Added stripes, made it short-sleeved.
Details: I really wanted to make this sweater, and out of a cotton blend, so I could wear it this summer. Neither color I wanted in the Cotton Fleece had more than 3 skeins , so I decided on stripes. 600 yards would be enough, right?
Not quite. I wasn't planning on looooong sleeves, but they ended up being shorter than planned. After I split for the body I realized there was less yarn than I thought, so I finished off the sleeves first, then literally knit until I ran out of yarn (which explains the shorter brown stripe at the bottom).
I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out, however, and I'm in love with my buttons. I don't know if you can really see them even in the close ups, but they're all shiny and pretty.
Great job! I'm always nervous about asymetrical tops. I don't want to look like I made a mistake. lol. Yours defintely looks well-polished and the modis you did add extra spice to the pattern.
Looks great! Nice colours.
Hey!! Show off those amazing top-down raglans that you put up on craftster! They are great too!
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